Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Plastic, Rubber and Composite Council discusses trade policies preventing unfair competition

11.04.2017 / Ankara

Members of the TOBB Turkey Plastic, Rubber and Composite Industry Council met at the TOBB Union Center to discuss current issues affecting the sector with Council Chair Yavuz Eroğlu presiding over the meeting.​

During the first session of the meeting, he replayed the opinions of parliament members on the assessment of the current developments on the issue of ports not complying with the general inspection and appraisal charges determined by customs during imports and exports. Second on the agenda was the costs and benefits for sector in regards to the proposals for splitting the Chemical Exporters' Association were discussed. Third item on the agenda was the use of trade policy defense tools in preventing unfair competition presented by Murat Gören, Director of the Department of Protection Measures of the General Directorate of Importation of the Ministry of Economy.